# 参考资源
- vscode下玩转flutter (opens new window)
- https://github.com/yang7229693/flutter-study
- 史上最全Android build.gradle配置详解,你懂的 (opens new window)
- https://gallery.flutter.dev/#/
- https://flutterchina.club/widgets/material/
- Flutter Widget 索引 (opens new window)
- https://api.flutter.dev/flutter/material/Scaffold-class.html
- flutter插件库 (opens new window)
- https://www.devio.org/tags/#Flutter
- 一个很棒的Flutter学习资源列表 (opens new window)
(opens new window)- flutter命令详解 (opens new window)
- flutter中文网 (opens new window)
- flutter实用教程 (opens new window)
- Widget隐藏与显示 (opens new window)
- Flutter笔记--Dart任务调度 (opens new window)
- pubspec.yaml 配置文件详解 (opens new window)
# flutter支持的
- Flutter之可滑动Widget (opens new window)
- flutter所有图标资源列表 (opens new window)
- flutter30+组件介绍 (opens new window)
# flutter 报错处理
- Flutter调试技巧总结——高效开发的秘密 (opens new window)
- Flutter构建失败,ERROR:Could not determine the dependencies of task ':app:compileDebugJavaWithJavac'. (opens new window)
- 解决AndroidStudio编译时报错:Could not resolve all artifacts for configuration ':classpath'; (opens new window)
- Flutter报错汇总(全网最全) (opens new window)
- Flutter填坑指南,总有一个遇得到, 持续填坑中... (opens new window)
- flutter报错Your app isn’t using AndroidX.解决方法 (opens new window)
- 初始时:Exception in thread “main” java.util.zip.ZipException: error in opening zip file
- 将
删除,然后执行项目的flutter run
- 将
- 插件要求的sdk比现有高 (opens new window)
- Flutter开发中的一些Tips(二) (opens new window)
- list中改变值,setState无法刷新小部件【解答】 (opens new window)
- Flutter更新showDialog中的内容 (opens new window)
- Cannot run with sound null safety because dependencies don't support null safety (opens new window)
This class (or a class which this class inherits from) is marked as '@immutable', but one or more of its instance fields are not final: StateLessDemoWidget.
修饰符,为常量。- 添加AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin,并实现对应的方法bool get wantKeepAlive => true;,同时build方法实现父方法 super.build(context).
The type of function literal can't be inferred because the literal has a block as its body
# 其他
- 在ios上会存在内存大的问题
- vscode使用flutter intl插件实现flutter国际化 (opens new window)